Faithful in prayer week 9 – 24/6/24
Dear Growth Group leaders,
Find attached some questions you could use for Growth Group in this week ahead. Our passage is Luke 22:31-53. Our focus is Jesus’ prayer in v42.
Below is also a link to our word dwell richly podcast chat concerning these questions.
With the Men’s Convention this Tuesday night (and God-willing, a good number of us attending), this may well change plans for which groups / who meets.
In the event that a group meeting can continue, here are some questions.
On page 2 of the attached are our plans for the weeks ahead. For our final week of term (week commencing 1 July), I’m preparing a short paper to help us reflect on what we’ve covered in prayer, some steps to grow in prayer, and then my plan is our groups will spend an extended time in prayer. More on that next week.
I’m praying for you.
in Christ, Mark