Dear Growth Group leaders,
This week we come to the conclusion of our short series ‘Talking about Jesus with others’.
Our topic in brief is: addressing our hesitations, so that we might be more ready to ‘cross the painline’ (Rico Tice) and speak.
Below are some questions that you might use.
Two notes here:
1) Only after preparing the questions and recording a chat with Jaden (below) did I come to realise a four part study is too ambitious for some groups.
So I’ve cut down this study and given you Option A (shortest); B (three parts) and C (the original four parts).
In the end, the main intention of this study rests with the last two questions: what are our hesitations & how does the Bible acknowledge and address these?
2) As this is our last study in this series, can you please – as leaders – reflect on how your groups have received this and write a short summary in your GG report?
Has this been an effective way to do evangelism training? Has it given helpful prompts to speak about Jesus? Any other thoughts on this subject?
Thanks for your hard work. I’m praying for you.
Next week we’re back to our sermon series (Romans 15:14-33).
in Christ, Mark
Mark and Jaden: Word Dwell Richly Podcast – Talking with others about Jesus Week #5/5.