Talking about Jesus with others #4 HOW to speak?


Dear Growth Group leaders,

Please find below a set of questions for our Groups this week.
The conversation Jaden and I had about these questions is also below.

This week
We’re into week 4 of 5 in our Talking about Jesus with others series.
This week we begin with Proverbs and the importance of listening.
And we move to 1 Peter 3 and the practice of sharing the hope we have with others

This dual focus may be ambitious for a 1 hr group study! I trust you’ll work out what is best for your group.

Events update
Please keep talking about and praying for our invitational events.

I’m praying that through this GG series God would be training us to speak to others.
I’m very encouraged by the number of invitations we’re issuing.

in Christ, Mark