Dear Growth Group leaders
Good to meet last Sunday. Thanks for your efforts with your groups each week.
I’m pleased to hear the positive feedback about the way group members are receiving this short evangelism training series.
Invitational Events for men and women
Can I continue to encourage you to encourage group members to be prayerfully inviting those who are not part of a church family to consider attending these events?
Every time we are able to prayerfully invite someone, that’s a win. All the better if our invited guests attend! I’d like to see some RSVP’s start rolling in this week. You can direct GG members to our website RSVP here.
I should also add, if you’d like to get more invitations, I can print more. Or you can here are the invitation files (.png format).
Sausage-making invitation
Marmalade-making invitation
Our Growth Group study this week
Week 3 of 5 sees us focusing on WHEN to talk about Jesus with others. Specifically, is there ‘an ideal time’ that we should be waiting for?
Attached below are some questions you may find helpful. Adapt as is appropriate to you and your group.
The study is in two halves. But the sheet will look like the first half takes most of the time. Don’t let the space & number of questions on the page mislead you. I hope you could get through to reading and exploring 2 Timothy 4:1-5 as a group at least by the half-way mark of your time in God’s word (if not sooner than this).
And if you finish quickly, spend more time praying for our witness as a church this week!
Jaden and I recorded a conversation about these questions last Thursday.
in Christ, Mark
P.S. here’s my prayer for us this week:
Heavenly Father, Might the greatness of your judgement and the brightness of your kingdom lead our church to continue to hold out out you and your sure promises to save. Help us not lose our head and hide in fear. Save us and those we know from half-truths, myths and lies that lead us astray. Teach us and help us to teach others of your ways. in Jesus’ name we pray.