Welcome to Redeemer!
We are an Anglican church in West Christchurch, New Zealand.
We are for Jesus because life, renewal and hope are found in His redeeming love.
Whether you have been a Christian your whole life or have only recently begun exploring God and faith in him, we would love to hear your story and welcome you into our community.

Join us on Sundays:
We gather at 10am for our church service at Hornby High School Auditorium, 180 Waterloo Road.
At Hornby High, there is plenty of on-site car parking.
You can also catch the bus. There are multiple stops at The Hub Hornby, which is a 10 minute walk from the High School.
After our service of ~90 minutes, we share in morning tea together.

Get Connected
Are you new to Redeemer Church?
Click below to find out more about our story and vision, and to connect with us.
Life Together

Church on Sundays
Each week we gather as a church family to hear the Bible read and taught, sing and pray to our God, and encourage one another. We gladly encourage and teach children about Jesus. We hope you’ll experience a warm welcome. More…

Growth Groups
A significant way to know and be known by church members, is to join one of our midweek groups. Together we open and learn from God’s word, the Bible, we pray and care for one another: Growth is the aim. More…

Hospitality and events
Sharing hospitality is something we practice as a church because, because God is hospitable to us. Over simple means or occasional lunches we connect with guests and to grow together as a church family.
What’s coming up?
At Redeemer we love gathering to be in community with each other, and encourage each other in faith. We’d love to have you at our upcoming events, check out what’s coming up for Redeemer below.

Discover life in 3-2-1
What is the best thing about God? What is the amazing offer he makes to us through Jesus? What[…]

Prayer meeting
God hears us when we pray. Our part is to be ‘faithful in prayer’ (Romans 12:12). We meet on[…]

Summer BBQ
Join us for church on Sunday Jan 12th, and then for a relaxed summer BBQ at a nearby home.[…]