Dear Growth Group leaders
When I was reporting on our great progress as groups to Vestry last week, I was able to say around 47 members of our church have attended a growth group in the last 3-4 weeks. This is wonderful in many ways: one way being that we are all growing in prayer!
This week our focus is praying God’s priorities: especially his priority to see people turn to trust God and live for Him.
A slightly different ending this time – we’re getting super practical.
Picking up on the good suggestions of our Mission team, I’ve suggested in the attached questions that we land this study with an exercise in identifying for one individual each that we can be praying for as a group each week in the months to come.
Below are the questions I’ve written, as well as a 20 min chat about these with Jaden.
Go well this week. I’m praying for you.
in Christ, Mark