Engaging with Matariki

Mark Hood Redeemer Church 13/07/23

We pray and work to have Kiwis to engage with God’s gospel story, so it is entirely reasonable to set ourselves as a church family to engage with the Māori story of Matariki.

I confess to being ignorant when it comes to understanding the value and meaning of Matariki to fellow Māori Kiwis. So I’ve sought to investigate with an attitude of genuine enquiry, seeking to know ones’ neighbour and to better appreciate our nation’s public holiday Friday.

Matariki is the Māori name for the cluster of stars visible in mid-winter, and for many Māori this marks the start of the new year. It gives opportunity for people to come together, reflect on the year that has passed, celebrate the present, and plan for the future. Different iwi mark Matariki in different ways…

read on below for more…